I’ve been playing Violin for quite a long time! My mother was a professional cellist, and one day when I was five, she took me to see an orchestra concert. It was beautiful. I was instantly hooked. I love being the center of attention, and seeing the Violins getting the major melodies and being the front of the entire orchestra, I knew that’s what I wanted to play.

I started with a local teacher who introduced me to the instrument when I was 6. He helped develop my skills and I quickly learned to the point where I was at a level far above my age. That’s when I started practicing under another teacher who was much more stylistic and solo-oriented. She taught me the artistic part of the Violin, how to use it to fill a room and turn all eyes.

After a while with her, and playing in my local civic orchestra, I caught the eye of a Violin professor at my local university. His name was Dr. Barta. He had come to one of the concerts and listened to me play. I was about 11 at this time. Through some connections I managed to talk with him for a while, and even showcase my skills to him. I was impressive enough that he offered to personally instruct me. He was a college professor, I was 11. Obviously, I was ectatic and took him up on the offer. He was an amazing teacher. He took me through the classics, at a much higher level than the others had taught me. We met and practiced week after week, and before long I was at a much more advanced level. Soon after some of my peers followed my path, and also started training under him. Dr. Barta was my violin professor for three years before I moved away to Mississippi. He was a huge influence on my life and I am very grateful to him.

Around this time I also began playing in ensembles and professional orchestras. I always found it really fun, a kind of thrill, being in a group, large or small, concert hall or wedding hall, playing and receiving compliments, it was all so fun! On top of that, getting paid wasn’t a bad deal either! I loved the aspect of teamwork when it comes to music, how you need a group to make something sound truly beautiful.

I continue to play violin up to today! I had a custom Violin built, with my name in Persian written on the back. It’s one of my prized possessions, and I love to play it! Even though Covid has shut down almost all ensemble and orchestra opportunities, I still find ways to do music. Currently, I’m the president of the Strings club at my school, and I can show other students the specifics and details of the ensemble, and it’s really fun to work with them! Violin is and will always be an important part of my story, whether it be in a concert hall, at a wedding, or during a party just for fun!


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Old Violin Video